Chiropractic care is not only for inflammation and pain. It is also used as a tool by athletes and sporting professionals to increase performance and mobility. If you would like to find out more about sports injuries and chiropractic care, contact us.
Headaches & Migraine
Dr Adam Gee (Chiropractor) has over 25 years’ experience helping patients with headaches and migraines. He is a former sufferer of migraines himself, so he understands your pain and works towards helping you too.
Back Pain
Visiting Advanced Chiropractic early about back pain means it can be addressed sooner and the cause identified to reduce the likelihood of reoccurrence. Ready to have your back pain assessed? Get in touch with our Chiropractor Dr Adam Gee.
Neck Pain
Neck pain is one of the common reasons for someone seeking chiropractic care. At Advanced Chiropractic, our goal is to help you to overcome neck pain and discomfort through chiropractic treatment. If you’re experiencing neck pain, contact our team today to book your initial consult.